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Performance Under Pressure Coaching

Our Decision Making Quotient, or DMQ, is similar to our Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in that it's a range of functions and processes in our brain which help us make decisions.  Just as we go to the gym to improve our muscle strength, or do brain games or exercises to keep our brains active, we need to practice and use our decision making techniques to optimise our performance. 

Performance Under Pressure Resources - Outdoor Cricket

  • 8 x Podcasts

  • 1 Pagers on Training Scenarios to help you "Practice with Purpose"

  • Drills for when you're at Home

  • Tactics and Strategies for Teams and Individuals

  • eBook listing Motivational Quotes and scenarios where they can be used for teams and individuals

Only $1.99 for the above resources ! 

Resources will be emailed once payment is received



Performance Under Pressure Workshop - $199 plus GST (max. 15 people)

A 1 Hour Workshop discussion methods and techniques to enhance in-game performance for players and coaches.  Don't wait until your next game to make changes, do it during the match.

  • What Brain Chemicals affect us when playing sport

  • How can you influence your Brain before and during a match

  • How to do deep breathing effectively so it calms your Emotional Brain

  • Ideas on preparing for a match, the opposition, the environment etc. to maximise performance

  • How to make sure your Decision Making Brain (Front Cortex) dominates your Emotional Brain (Amygdala)

This applies to all sports as they all require Decision Making under pressure to be successful

"John gave me some new ideas to try with my Juniors not only at Training but during Matches which I think will really help the kids cope with tough situations" - Goodwood Cricket Club Junior Coach

"I'm using some of the techniques you mentioned, but now I'm more confident knowing some of the science behind the approach" - State Junior Indoor Cricket Coach


"Thanks John, the players, parents, carers and coaching staff got a lot from it. Very worth while and fully recommend it for any sports teams" - WA State ID Cricket Coach

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Junior Cricket Coaching Handbook

This handbook is great for parents and new coaches who are coaching Junior sides and need ideas on training drills, and also help with what fundamentals to look for and teach in regard to cricket skills. 

It is 28 Pages of content covering Batting, Bowling (both Pace and Spin), Fielding and Wicketkeeping.  There are also 1 pagers on Training scenarios that can be used by Batters and Bowlers in the Nets to ensure they "Practice with Purpose".  

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The Handbook and 1 Pagers are available for $9.95, and 1 copy can be used by all Coaches in the Club.

Once you have paid you will receive an email containing the PDF documents.

Junior Handbook Contents.jpg

Coaching Consultancy - Pricing Based on Club Needs

It is often good to get a different voice to speak to players at times, and get some additional ideas and thoughts into the club environment.

John will work with the existing Coaching group and the Committee to establish areas where additional Technical and Mental Performance training could be of benefit.  This could include

  • Attending Junior and/or Senior Training sessions to observe and provide guidance how to improve trainings

  • Run Workshops on Decision Making Under Pressure, How to Make 120 Runs, Agile Captaincy

  • Create a Handbook containing Training Drills and Technical Guidance to assist new Coaches

  • Run specific Master Classes on Wicket Keeping, Spin Bowling, Pace Bowling, Batting, Fielding

"John provided signficant value to our Club Coaches and Players, and gave great insight to us as a Committee as to how we could improve, best money the Club has ever spent on Coaching" - Junior Cricket Coordinator

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